The following project is the handy work of a very dedicated and long time forum member Tommy Sweeney. He has undertaking the mammoth task of transcribing all the names of the families that have lived in the married quarters on The Curragh Camp. Tommy came across the books recently, which were starting to look the worst for ware and probably would have found their way on to a scrap heap in the wrong hands. These books and the contents are a true Curragh Camp treasure and luckily Tommy came across them. As you will see, the names of all the occupiers of the Married Quarters were documented in true military fashion from the 1930’s up to more modern days. Tommy has started the project with Pearse Married Quarters and is currently working on McDonagh and hopefully that will be up soon. I am sure when you see the detail and amount of information that the books reveal, that this is a real treasure of The Curragh Camp and well done to Tommy Sweeney for his efforts.